
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Dermodex not try this at home. Seek medical attention!

Well - this may be one of my most bizarre and personal posts ever! And the tale I wish to tell begins last week, when, during a conversation about how to look 35 when you are actually 57 (and she really did - Botox and fillers, but even so!) she told me all about dermodex wipes.. Other then the discomfort of thinking about spider-worms living in my eyelashes, I suddenly realised that perhaps I too needed to wage war on my dermodex! After Covid 2, I've not really recovered? Who knows! And my poor eyelids have been so sore, and one of them looked really infected, and it looked as if someone had punched me - it was that bad, and the other one wasn't exactly healthy looking! And yes I took a day off to get to the doctors - but I was told that the doctors no longer do 'eyes'! That I needed to make an appointment with a pharmacy - who all had waiting lists two weeks long! I stayed in bed and listed to hypnotherapy instead - thinking, 'it's come to this'. Anyway, r

Pink dot.

Well, here's a weird one. I was talking to my boss who, as a student, had worked in a mental hospital, and he said the strangest thing, 'There was a distinct smell to schizophrenia' And instantly I remembered a distinct smell associated with my son's psychosis.  In my blog post I'd written:  [+] ... It reminds me of school dinners, cooked liver to be precise. It makes my blood run cold. Deep down some bit of me goes into terror when I smell it. I override the primal impulse to run...because I assume I'm feeling what he feels, and I'm not giving in, I keep my head. Nevertheless, I just don't get why there is a particular smell to it. What does that signify? He continued to explain that there was a urine test that would show a pink dot if a person was psychotic because how a person smells is related to their metabolism, So, that is interesting, I thought!  Let's follow it up. I've found that the pink spot test presents some problems, things are no