
Showing posts from May, 2022

Honoring the dead - with Facebook and phone.

T here is a lot to say about the time Tool's last album -Fear inoculum - was released.  And I'm not sure if I would be writing it, except someone on my course was speaking about the perils of the internet - she had come across David Baddeil's rant against social media - and I was vexed. Vexed because there are other stories to be told. Stories about how the internet // social media has saved people's lives - I can think of one instance where this has happened - that story isn't mine to tell. But no matter how valid the stories about positive outcomes are, they don't seem to be as true as all the warnings!  Simply not exciting enough! Regardless, I'm going to tell one of my Fear Inoculum stories because it helps describe social media, as something more than only a locus of dissent, disagreement and misery.  As a locus of compassion actually! Fear Inoculum has a personal meaning for me, and a wider context. It's meanings and my meaning informed by other pe