
Showing posts from March, 2021

Starting Wim Hof method.

A Tuesday evening in November 2020.  Shamika and I are talking about the Johari window, and Donald Rumsfeld is bouncing around in my mind saying - “there are known knowns and unknown unknowns”, and I’m laughing because I don’t want to think about him but I always do when it’s the Johari window... and then the video starts  Julia Kristina in black and white, talking about primary emotion, secondary reactions and tertiary... But I am slipping... My heart rate is speeding, my chest is tightening, my belly is squeezing, I want to run… This is fear. I focus on the sensation,  I listen to myself, tuning into myself What is it about this video? OK, deal with the physical Hannah. I breathe slowly, drawing my diaphragm down to get a deep belly breath, then exhale counting. Making sure it takes twice as long as my inhale… After about 30 seconds I’m back and centered. So what’s going on? Back home I watched the video, this time without sound. ...and my heart is racing and I feel like I’m under th